Please join us this year as we celebrate 25 years of support to the Lab Animal Science Industry.
Hot & Cold Appetizers, Dinner Buffet, Ice Cream & Toppings along with Coffee or Tea.
Cash Bar Available.
Paper registration option (download here)
Keynote Address: Stop Hiding and Change the World!
You have improved the lives of millions of people and animals. Nearly every biomedical advance in the world was, and still is, supported by your hard work and tender hearts. You are heroes! So, why are you hiding? The activist agenda relies on your invisibility to deceive the world into believing that you devalue life, when the truth is that your love for life defines you professionally and personally. Society is longing to know this truth and I believe that your visibility can convert war to peace. I believe that your visibility can dismantle the activists attack on love and progress. I believe that your visibility can convert war to peace. I believe that your visibility can unite enemies and breed compassion for all living things. I believe that your visibility can change the world...and I want you to start believing it too.
By Dr. Cindy Buckmaster
Southern New England American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, PO Box 1091, Groton, CT 06340
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