Organizations & Associations
AAALAC International - Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
AALAS - American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
ACLAM - American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
ASLAP - American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners
AMP - Americans for Medical Progress
AWI - Animal Welfare Institute
CALAS - Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science
FBR - Foundation for Biomedical Research
FELASA - Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations
FRAME - Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
ICLAS - International Council for Laboratory Animal Science
ILAR - Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources
LAMA - Laboratory Animal Management Association
LASA - Laboratory Animal Science Association ( UK)
LAWTE - Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange
NABR - National Association for Biomedical Research
PRIM&R - Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
SCAW - Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
SUBR - States United for Biomedical Research
UFAW - Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Local Organizations
BioCT - The industry voice for bioscience in Connecticut
MSMR - Massachusetts Society for Medical Research
NEBAALAS - New England Branch of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science
Alternatives & Databases
ALL - AALAS Learning Library
SHARE - Speaking Honestly-Animal Research Education
Enrichment Record- A quarterly e-zine for sharing all things related to enrichment!